Friday, March 22, 2013


I ran into a 'glitch' with the new harmonic balancer. Before I pulled everything apart I did a quick measurement and discovered the HB on the car is 7" in diameter and the new one is only 6". So I called the Damper Doctor and he said to go ahead and ship both back to him and he will rebuild mine. Since this project was going to be done in the front of the house I had hoped to not have it take more than a few hours. So I pulled the car into the driveway as far back from the street as I could and went to work. About 2 hours later I had the radiator and balancer off the car. I went ahead and cleaned up the radiator for when I re-install it and also cleaned up my old HB. Should only take a few days so with shipping etc I figure by the end of next week I should get it back.

Here's a picture of both the old and the new balancers.

Also here's a close up of the old balancer with the part number visible. Now I see why I couldn't find it when I was looking for it. It's on the inside (towards the engine)!

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